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Many Ways To Ignore The Drill Sound While Sitting On A Dentist´s Chair

Updated on November 15, 2015
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Thelma is a Filipina expat living in Germany. She is a very creative person, shares tips and DIY about anything she has done in life.

Camiguin Island, Philippines
Camiguin Island, Philippines | Source

Visit to a dentist

Do you know somebody who wants to go to a dentist? I have not heard anybody I know of, who is looking forward to an oral yearly check-up. Most are scared just to think about it. Even the word dentist can cause nausea to so many sensitive persons. Just by writing this hub I can already smell the particular smell of anaesthetic medicine. But when you have your teeth broken, spoiled and have a hell of a pain, you have to. There´s no other way!!!

I have known my dentist for more than ten years. He is good and gives anaesthetic injection that a bite of a mosquito is more painful but still it troubles me much when I´m sitting on his chair. It´s not only the pain but the sounds of his drill machine that makes me always panic.

Having a dentist treatment is an awful thing to me. It´s okey if you´re having a check-up for just half and hour. But what if it´s more than two hours? What should I do on a dentist chair doing nothing but opening my mouth widely and some water spitting on the "sink"?

The idea of ignoring that awful sound of the drilling machine has occurred to me in the 80´s, when I was treated for the first time for 2 1/2 hours for my teeth was really so bad.

After I was given injection, I was talking to myself silently while the dentist and his assistant were doing their job. `Be calm. Forget the noise around you. Think something that is beautiful. Think about holidays, beaches, sunshine, trees, blue oceans, etc....´ Then I felt myself started to relax. My arms were light in my sides. My breathing was slow.

Ennio Morricone Music Video- Once Upon A time In The West

Few Ways To Relax

These are the few ways to relax:

  1. Think about your uncomplicated childhood where you were playing with the other children on the playground. Feel and smell the grass under your feet.
  2. Think about your first date/ first dance with the man/woman you love, where you have the positive memories of your teenage life. The juniors and seniors prom, beach party, disco and whatever memorable experiences you had in this stage of adulthood.
  3. Think about your holidays somewhere in Asia or on any Continent. The white and sandy beaches you have been to, surrounded by with amazing landscapes like mountains, lakes, rivers, ocean, etc.
  4. You can think about the day you have passed your college examinations or got a scholarship at the university you were dreaming of.
  5. Or you won the lottery that has changed your life positively.
  6. Sing your favorite relaxing music in your mind while closing your eyes when the dentist is doing his work. I usually played the music of Ennio Morricone, "The Untauchables or Cheyenne" in my mind during a dentist treatment and it helps a lot.

These are all examples of what you can think of when you´re on a dentist chair. These are all suggestions you can suggest to yourself. Just think of any positive, happy experiences that can make you relax.

Camiguin Island, Philippines
Camiguin Island, Philippines | Source


While sitting having a dentist treatment, I was very far away. The drill sounds were becoming farer and farer. My body relaxed though with an open mouth. I was somewhere in the Philippines, in Camiguin. I was laying on the white and sandy beach with eyes closed. I was alone listening to the sounds of the ocean. The smell of the ocean was so good that I became hungry of grilled tuna fish and mussels cooked in coconut milk. I could smell the food as well. It was amazing! I got up and stroll around collecting white stones and empty shells.

Then I heard that somebody was talking to me. `We are finished for today, Mrs...You can gargle now with water.´---It was the dentist. He was finished, I´m not. With my day dreaming! I´ll continue it next time, I thought.

No Guaranty:

I can not guarantee to you that it will function to yourself. These suggestions need a lot of training. It´s like self-hypnosy. The more you train yourself, the more it functions. It did function to me because I have trained myself for many years now just to relax whenever I´m in panic or in stress.

What about you? What do you do when you´re in that chair? What are you thinking of? Do you think about your work, your problems, etc...? Please drop your comments so I´ll know if I´m getting crazy in doing so. I wonder if I´m the only one doing this method.

Katibawasan Falls, Camiguin Island, Philippines
Katibawasan Falls, Camiguin Island, Philippines | Source

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© 2011 Thelma Alberts


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